Quinoa porridge with vanilla

Today we woke up by the sound of rain pouring down outside or bedroom window. The snow is melting as quickly as an icecream in the sun and that lovely Christmas feeling from last week is almost gone. This grey and rainy weather did however match my spirit today. I’ve been working out too much lately (in too cold weather) and because of that gotten some sort of tension in the lower abdominals and it HURTS. I hope it will get better soon because I have neither time nor am I in the mood for this.

This week is going to be as intense as the previous one. I continue to work with my website and right now I’m waiting for my domain to be transferred to my new web host. It seems to take like forever and I’m just sitting here, waiting to turn my sketches and notes into a beautiful website. While I wait I’m focusing on writing articles, editing billions of photos, planning a photoshoot and of course, creating all the graphics that needs to be done.  But those things are the funniest things I know, so I’m not complaining 🙂 Plus, I have the best collegues ever, always making me smile. So, despite the darn muscle/tendon/whatever I’m very happy with my life.

During intense weeks like this and the previous one, it’s so important to have easy recipes on hand. Like usual I want short prep times, but still I want the food to be full of nutrients. Quinoa porridge is a recipe I always come back to when I need to stay focused and work effectively. It is easy to prepare, full of nutrients and of course super yummy.

Quinoa porridge with vanilla

1 dl white quinoa
1/2 tsp pure vanilla powder
3 dl plant milk of your choice
1 dl cold water


  1. Pour the ingredients into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

  2. Lower the heat and let cook for about 15-20 minutes, or until the quinoa has absorbed the liquid.

  3. If it absorbs the milk too fast you can add some more and let cook for another few minutes.

  4. Serve with berries, nuts and more plant milk

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