Creamy pasta with mushrooms 

 Vegetarian pasta with mushrooms by The Nordic Kitchen
Vegetarian pasta with mushrooms by The Nordic Kitchen

I have quite a few obsessions when it comes to food and pasta is definitely one of them. Spaghetti in particular. I love the endless variations you can come up with because everyone knows that pasta is a perfect match to everything. When I add some vegetables and some oat cream to my very al dente spaghetti I’m in heaven. It’s almost too easy to even be called a recipe, but it is still one of my favorite things to eat.

 Vegetarian pasta with mushrooms by The Nordic Kitchen
Vegetarian pasta with mushrooms by The Nordic Kitchen

Creamy pasta with soy marinated mushrooms 

2 servings 

120 g glutenfree spaghetti
15 champignons
1 dl tamari sauce (or other soy sauce)
150 g baby spinach
1 dl oat cream, or more if you like
black pepper


  1. 1-2 hours before dinner, rinse and cut the champignons in thin slices. Use a large bowl and add the soy sauce. Add the mushrooms and make sure all of them are (more or less) covered in sauce. Stir every 30 minutes.

  2. Cook the spaghetti according to the instructions on the package.

  3. Move the marinated mushrooms (and the sauce) to a saucepan and cook on medium heat until the mushrooms are soft and have absorbed most of the sauce.

  4. Chop the spinach and add to the spaghetti together with oat cream, salt and lots of black pepper. Finally, add the mushrooms to the spaghetti bowl. Enjoy!

 Vegetarian pasta with mushrooms by The Nordic Kitchen
Vegetarian pasta with mushrooms by The Nordic Kitchen

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