Vegetarian lasagna with Quorn: easy vegetarian dinner recipe

– This recipe was made with products received in a press gift from Quorn  –

You are late home from work, you’re hungry, you’re mad at your boss who dumped a big project with a tight deadline on you and as soon as you walk into your house you have a couple of hungry kids running around asking for something delicious for dinner. Maybe you recognize this? Or at least some of it? I’m sure you get what I mean anyway. Don’t we all just hate that feeling? The feeling of being ”hangry”, I mean.

So, you’re hungry, you have no energy to cook, yet you want something healthy and super delicious for dinner. Can we agree on the fact that this situation is a liiittle bit problematic? So, what to do?

To me, lasagna has always been one of those yummy dishes that I looove, but never can find the energy to make. You have to prepare the minced meat/vegetarian substitute, you have to make bechamel sauce and then you have to layer everything and wait like forever while it’s in the oven. Not one of the dishes you consider when you’re hungry, tired and want food asap. Until now.

The other day I got a press gift from Quorn (they make vegetarian meat substitutes), with everything I need to make 2 vegetarian dinners. Since it was a press gift, I have no obligation to write about it (and I wasn’t compensated to do so), but this is actually too good to be kept to myself – vegetarian lasagna ready in like 40 minutes. Yes, it’s true! So, from now on, with this recipe, you can actually enjoy lasagna even on days when you feel like eating sandwiches for dinner (ok, that’s not a bad dinner, I love that too sometimes, but lasagna is always way better).

Vegetarian lasagna with Quorn

300 g Quorn Mince
300 g crushed tomatoes
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
salt and black pepper to taste
6 dl | 600 ml Bechamel sauce*
12-16 lasagna noodles
2-3 dl shredded cheese (or vegan cheese)


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C.

  2. In a baking bowl, add Quorn, tomatoes and herbs. Stir thoroughly.**

  3. Cover the bottom of a lasagna pan with about 1/3 of the Quorn mix. Cover with a layer of lasagna noodles, some of the bechamel sauce and then start all over again with a layer of Quorn. Repeat 2-3 times. Top with shredded cheese and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown. I love to use cheese with a lot of taste – my best tip to make your lasagna to stand out and become truly amazing.

*I make a glutenfree version of bechamel sauce by mixing 3 tbsp corn flour with 3 dl (300 ml) oat milk. I bring this mix to a boil and then I add another 3 dl (300 ml) oat milk + 1,5 tbsp canola oil.

** No, you don’t need to cook the Quorn, it’s getting ready in the oven, which saves you a lot of prep time.

Comments ( 2 )

  • Wilda

    15 mars, 2017 at 11:34

    Det här måste testas! Låter supergott!

    1. thenordickitchen

      23 mars, 2017 at 09:27

      Det tycker jag absolut att du ska göra 🙂 Det blev en riktig succé!

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