Glutenfree Seed Crackers & Weekend plans

 Glutenfree Seed Crackers
Glutenfree Seed Crackers

It’s finally Friday and I was done with work quite early today. The sun was shining from a clear blue sky and I had no hurry whatsoever to get to the subway home. I enjoyed the sunny weather and payed my favorite shops a visit on the way, just to get some inspiration. As the creative soul that I am, I constantly seek new inspiration and Pinterest is my number one favorite source, but sometimes I just like to visit my favorite stores and admire their stilleben and overall interior design. I don’t know how interior design can inspire me as a food stylist and photographer, but it does. Maybe it’s the way of putting together different things to create an image that is pretty much the same in these two professions.

Anyway, in the early afternoon I took the subway home and when I got home, I found my dear friend and fellow blogger Karoline’s new book in the mail. It’s called ”Det Goda Gröna” and it’s in Swedish. It’s about how you can create your own garden – a garden that will provide you with lots of food throughout the year. Karoline is an amazing person and she’s so, so inspiring. Every time I see her I just wanna go and buy a house, four cats and a few hens and start a vegetable farm (or something like that). She must be the coolest farmer on Earth and her new book is amazing. If we ever buy a house I’m gonna use her book as a guide and do everything she says and create my own little vegetable paradise. Well, the book isn’t only about gardening, it also contains a bunch of super yummy recipes that I cannot wait to try. Creamy lemon pasta is the first recipe on my list. I’ll put it on my to do list for next week.

Just like Karoline, I love the simplicity in things, especially when it comes to food. I love how you can combine a few ingredients and create the most amazing dish. The recipe I’m gonna share with you guys today is probably my all time favorite recipe (!). It’s true, I really love this and everyone I know does to. The other day, my boyfriend’s sister came over and I baked these seed crackers for us. When she went home, almost every single piece was gone. It’s that good, my friends.

I think I’ll have to bake them again this weekend, but I also have a lot of other things to do. I have so much I want to do in my spare time, I actually need to make a list to remember them all 😀 So, this weekend I’m gonna:

  • Read Karoline’s book (of course)

  • Flip through some other cookbooks in order to find some new dinner inspiration

  • Make my own version of the chickpea flour pancakes I found on Ninas blog (Nourish Atelier), inspired by Dolly and Oatmeal. I think I’m gonna serve them with mango and raspberries. And maybe, a blog post will come from this as well.

  • Do a pantry makeover. I read this amazing blog post by Christiann Koepke and I need to do everything she says. I mean, just look at her pantry! Can I move in?

  • Take long walks with my love.

  • Watch the last episode of Taboo.

  • Bake chocolate muffins and maybe create another blog post. Did I say that I should do all these things on my spare time? Well, I guess I am a true entrepreneur after all (they say being an entrepreneur means working all the time).

 Glutenfree Seed Crackers
Glutenfree Seed Crackers

Glutenfree seed crackers with sea salt

1 dl sunflower seeds
1 dl sesame seeds
1 dl flaxseeds
1/2 dl pumpkin seeds
1 dl corn flour
1 dl rice flour
pinch of sea salt
3 tbsp canola oil
1 1/2 – 2 dl hot water


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

  2. In a baking bowl, mix seeds, flour and sea salt. Add the canola oil and stir. Bring the water to a boil and add to the mix. Stir until well combined.

  3. Tip out on to a baking paper-lined oven tray and spread out as thin as possible, 3-5 mm should do the trick. Bake for about 30 minutes or until crispy. Let cool before you serve them with avocado, cheese or hummus.

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