Warming tomato soup for autumn | v + gf

 Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen

I’m as off of my blog schedule as I possibly can be right now. I had planned on posting a recipe this weekend but you know, sometimes life happens. I have been wanting to expand my business for quite a while and I have had like a hundred tasks I needed to complete in order to do that. It has taken up a lot of my time. I’ve also been working quite a lot at my other job and on top of that, I’ve gotten this weird inflammation in my pectoralis minor (the small chest muscle), which basically means that whatever you do, it hurts. It’s getting better though, so hopefully, I’m back to normal soon. And that’s wonderful because next week I hope I’ll be able to share with you what I’ve been working on. I really hope you’ll like it.

So, how are you guys? What has happened in your lives lately? Have you started to declutter yet (I shared my best tips on decluttering in this post)? I’m so happy that you liked that post and it seems like many of you want me to share more of these girl boss-related things so of course, that’s what I will do. I really enjoy writing those blog posts so I don’t mind creating more content like that 🙂 win-win!

Anyway, today I’m sharing the easiest recipe in the world. Yes, it probably is. Yet, it’s one of my favorite ones. I’m talking about tomato soup. I love that you can just combine all the ingredients in a big pan, heat it up and serve. It’s really the best fast food ever. Depending on if you’ll eat the soup for dinner or serve it as an appetizer you can modify the recipe to your liking. If served for dinner, add some lentils to make it more filling and richer in protein. When served as an appetizer you can exclude the lentils if you like.

 Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen

Tomato soup

4 servings

2 x 500 g canned tomatoes*
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/2 tsp paprika powder
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
salt and black pepper to taste
2 dl pre-cooked lentils (optional)

* In Sweden we have like ”pureed” tomatoes, which I think is perfect for this recipe. If you can’t find organic, canned and pureed tomatoes, you can always buy whole, peeled tomatoes and mix them yourself until you have a puree. Do that first, then follow this recipe. 

To serve

1 dl plant cream of your choice
granola or seeds


  1. Combine all the ingredients except the lentils in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

  2. Lower the heat and let cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add the lentils and let cook for another 5 or 10 minutes.

  3. Pour the soup into four bowls and just before serving, drizzle with plant cream and top with granola or seeds. Serve!

  4. I also love to serve this soup with garlic bread or seed crackers. Or topped with fresh herbs. There are endless variations to this super simple soup. Enjoy!

 Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen
 Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Tomato Soup | The Nordic Kitchen


  • Avni

    4 oktober, 2017 at 00:12

    Looks like a great recipe, what lentils do you use?

    1. thenordickitchen

      4 oktober, 2017 at 13:10

      Thank you, I hope you’ll like it! 🙂 I normally use green lentils for this recipe, but I think red ones will be fine too. You can also use chickpeas if you prefer them over lentils. Hope this helps!

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