Organic Skincare for the winter season

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 Organic beauty products for the winter season Organic beauty products for the winter season

This week it snowed in Sweden. It was the first time this winter and it made me realize that winter really is upon us and that Christmas is only a month away. Which, of course, is insane when you think about it. Anyhoo, this blog post has been on my to-do-list for quite a while now. I’ve shared a bunch of beauty blog posts earlier, but I wanted to create a new post, in which I share my favorite organic products for the winter season. I’ve been trying out new products during the fall season and I’ve found a couple of new favorites, which will be invaluable this winter. Along with some old favorites, of course.

The key to having a healthy skin during the winter season is moisturizing. During summer I use a lighter face lotion, but during the winter I switch to a richer one. I also believe that it is more important than ever to peel your skin to get rid of dead skin cells. If a layer of dead cells covers the skin, it’s harder for the lotion to be absorbed and do the work. So, peeling and moist – my two keywords for the winter season.

For the face

To get rid of dead skin cells and clean the skin I use the Black Mask from Ann-Marie Börlind, approximately once a week. On an everyday basis, I use a serum and a face lotion from Maria Åkerberg along with my newfound favorite from Caudalie – a beauty elixir with ingredients like grape, rosemary and orange blossom. It’s so refreshing and leaves the skin smooth and glowing. I’ve been using it daily for almost two months, and I haven’t even used up half the bottle yet. It might seem a little expensive, but it obviously lasts like forever, so it’s not that expensive after all.

To remove makeup, I use the Maria Åkerberg precleansing oil, which I’ve been using like forever.

I’m normally not a big fan of lip products, I prefer a natural look and mostly I only use a lip balm of some kind. A few weeks ago I received a lip balm from Dr Organic in a press kit (not payed to say this) and I’m obsessed. It’s supposed to be protecting and anti-aging (welp, I feel old writing that) and it’s really good. But to be honest, I’m mostly using it because it tastes like heaven 😉 Well, I think that’s about it when it comes to the face.

 Organic beauty products for the winter season Organic beauty products for the winter season

 Organic beauty products for the winter season Organic beauty products for the winter season

Products for the face

  1. Ann-Marie Börlind 2 in 1 Black mask

  2. Caudalíe Beauty Elixir

  3. Maria Åkerberg Serum Clearing

  4. Maria Åkerberg Face Lotion Moist

  5. Dr. Organic Lip Balm Rose Otto

  6. Maria Åkerberg Precleansing Oil

 Organic beauty products for the winter season Organic beauty products for the winter season

For the body

My skincare routine is basically the same both for body and face. About once a week I peel the skin to get rid of dead skin cells. Sometimes I go for dry brushing and sometimes I use a scrub of some kind. My latest favorite is a scrub made of coffee. This company has come up with such a brilliant idea, which is why I use their scrub. We drink so much coffee today and a lot of people buy their coffee at a coffee shop or a cafe, right?

Now think about all the coffee grounds that must be thrown away after brewing. Optiat has taken care of this huge waste problem, simply by using coffee grounds (that would have been thrown away) from coffee shops in the UK to make their coffee scrubs. Isn’t this brilliant? I love it. And of course, coffee has a lot of great effects on the skin, being great for cellulite, stretch marks, and acne. It’s also very good for peeling so it’s a win-win situation here.

 Organic beauty products for the winter season Organic beauty products for the winter season

As soap/shower gel, I use Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Soap. It smells amazing and it leaves the skin super soft. After showering, I use a body lotion or a body butter. Lately, I’ve been using a body butter from Emma Noel, which is perfect for dry skin.

As for deodorant, I use one from Bruns. Right now I’m using no 09, which is fragrance-free, but I also love no 08, which smells heavenly of rosemary and fresh cypress.

For my hands, I use the hand cream Beautiful from Maria Åkerberg. My hands get super dry during winter, so a good hand cream is a must. This one really does the work and I never leave the house without it.

 Organic beauty products for the winter season Organic beauty products for the winter season

Products for the body

  1. Optiat coffee scrub

  2. Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Soap

  3. Emma Noël Body Butter

  4. Bruns organic deodorant 09

  5. Maria Åkerberg Hand Cream Beautiful

Don’t forget your diet

The skin is like a mirror of what you put inside your body. A good skincare routine does a lot, but not everything. make sure to drink lots of water, eat a lot of colorful vegetables and cut out on processed foods. To make sure I get all the nutrients I need during winter I also use a couple of supplements, like B-vitamins, vitamin D, and probiotics. I also drink quite a lot of matcha tea, traditional green tea, and kombucha. Let me know if you would like a separate post where I talk about the supplements I use and what to think about when choosing supplements (I work in the health supplements business so I can give you some advice there).

Ok, my friends, let’s take good care of our bodies this winter, shall we!? <3

Xo, Sofia

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Also, don’t forget to check out my other beauty posts:

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