Acai Bowl | v + gf

 Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen
Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen

Early mornings is my favorite part of the day. I’m always the most productive before lunch and when I’m writing blog posts, I’m always doing that in the mornings. Usually while sipping on a cup of coffee or a matcha latte. I have always been a morning person, I love to wake up before everyone else and if I’m traveling I usually sneak out with my camera before anyone else wakes up. The streets and beaches are empty (except for maybe a stray dog or two) and the sea is often calm. I love the silence and having time for myself like that really helps me get into the right mindset.

Today, I had several blog posts to write and since I was a bit under pressure, I suddenly had nothing to talk about. Do you know the feeling? Whenever I’m in a situation like this, when I have to create under pressure, my mind goes blank. I just can’t be creative on demand. Yet I always find myself in these situations, and it’s always the writing part that’s the problem. I don’t know why this is. I love blogging and I have always loved to write, but what I love the most is to photograph. The blog business involves so many different types of work – writing, photographing, editing, accounting, marketing and promoting posts, and I guess it would be a little strange if every blogger were good at, and loved every part of blogging. But even if one does find all the tasks funny and stimulating, I guess all of us will still have that one thing that will make our hearts beat a little faster. For me, that one thing is definitely the photography part and the editing of course.

 Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen
Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen

The other day I shared my intentions and goals for 2018, but I’ve also written a more personal list of things I want to focus on this year. One thing is to improve my writing. Or, rather make writing fun again. I think I’ll have to get rid of the pressure that I now associate with writing, and give myself more time and space to write. I also think that starting my day with a short yoga session will make it easier. Getting rid of all the thoughts and starting the day with an open mind will only be positive, don’t you think?

Another important thing is to eat a good breakfast. I always try to fuel my body with as many nutrients as possible in the mornings. A chlorella shot, a matcha latte and a smoothie bowl with tons of toppings – that is what my breakfast usually looks like. Lately, I’ve been hooked on acai bowls (again). For me, what I eat varies throughout the year. I usually get obsessed with one thing and eat it every day for a few weeks, then something else gets me all hooked and all of a sudden that’s what I’m eating all the time. Last summer I was all hooked on acai bowls and just a few days ago I realized that I hadn’t had one in months. And voìla, now I’m obsessed again, haha. Maybe you’ll be too?

 Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen
Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen

Acai Bowl

1 bowl 

1 frozen banana
1 1/2 dl | 150 ml soy yogurt
1-2 tbsp acai powder
Pinch of vanilla extract


Coconut flakes
Bee pollen
Hemp seeds


  1. Place all the ingredients (not the toppings) in a blender and mix until smooth.

  2. Pour the acai mix into a bowl and top with raspberries, coconut flakes, bee pollen and hemp seeds.

  3. Enjoy!

 Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen
Acai Bowl Recipe | The Nordic Kitchen

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