Vegan Chocolate Mousse á la Linda Lomelino

I have never baked as much and as often as I did in December last year. I wanted to build a great recipe collection for Christmas and I had a lot of fun along the way. But to be honest, by the end of the month, I was pretty tired of cakes and cookies, so when it was time to eat all the baked goods on Christmas Eve, I didn’t want anything. Not that I had eaten almost anything before Christmas, I was just tired of it anyway.

I had a few pieces of caramel toffee and that was it. Instead, I wanted smoothies, salads and lighter treats, like these vegan cashew truffles. I’ve never been a big fan of sweets, I just love to bake them and feed them to others ? I guess I’m just not a big fan of sugar. I guess that’s why I became so happy when I saw Linda Lomelino’s recipe for vegan chocolate mousse, made with aquafaba (the water in which chickpeas or other beans have been cooked), chocolate and just a little sugar. I knew I had to try it and a couple of weeks ago I did. And I’ve been making it again once after that. Or maybe twice? ?

The first time I made it, I didn’t tell Kalle what was in it and I had him guess the ingredients. He sat there, tasting it and his guesses were: cacao, maple syrup, oat cream, and maybe some coconut oil. I think they were pretty good, but you should have seen his face when I told him what the real ingredients were ? Anyway, he loved it, and so did I. You can never guess this dreamy mousse contains aquafaba, but it’s such a great idea to use up the chickpea water instead of just throwing it away. So, big thanks to Linda for sharing this amazing recipe. Don’t forget to head over to her blog for the original recipe (and some ah-mazing photos). I just made a few minor changes to the original recipe, and I’m posting my version of it below. I’m sure you’ll love this as much as we did.

Vegan Chocolate Mousse á la Linda Lomelino

4 servings 

100 g vegan chocolate
1 1/2 dl | 150 ml unsalted aquafaba from chickpeas (room tempered)
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp maple syrup or agave syrup
Pinch of sea salt


Whipped plant cream and/or shredded chocolate
Flaky sea salt


  1. Melt the chocolate in a hot-water bath. Let cool to room temperature.

  2. Add aquafaba and lemon juice to a baking bowl and beat until soft peaks form.

  3. Add the maple syrup, and beat until you get stiff peaks.

  4. Now add the whipped aquafaba to the melted chocolate, a little at a time and stir until combined.

  5. Add the salt.

  6. Pour the mousse into glasses, bowls or cups and place in the fridge.

  7. Let the mousse set, it took about 30 minutes for me.

  8. Top with plant cream and/or shredded chocolate.

  9. Enjoy!


  • Jennifer

    31 januari, 2018 at 19:29

    Hej! Det här ser ju helt underbart ut! Men jag är inte helt med på receptet… 1. Smält choklad som får svalna. 2. Vispar du sen bara aqafaba och citronjuice för sig? 3. Var ska sirapen i? I chokladen eller aquafaban (vilket ord!)? 4. Sen aquafabablandningen (?) i chokladblandningen?
    Hoppas du kan reda ut det här åt mig. Att testa nya recept som det här har en förmåga att sluta i katastrof för mig som det är… ? Ser verkligen gott ut! ?

    1. thenordickitchen

      31 januari, 2018 at 19:42

      Haha, jag ska försöka hjälpa dig.
      1. Melt the chocolate in a hot-water bath. Let cool to room temperature.
      Smält chokladen och låt den svalna i skålen.
      2. Add aquafaba and lemon juice to a baking bowl and beat until soft peaks form.
      Ta fram en bunke och blanda aquafaba och citronjuice. Vispa tills mjuka toppar bildas.
      3. Add the maple syrup, and beat until you get stiff peaks.
      Blanda ner sirapen i aquafaba-mixen och vispa igen tills fasta toppar bildas.
      4. Now add the whipped aquafaba, a little at a time and stir until combined.
      Blanda ner aquafaba-mixen i chokladen och vispa tills allt blandas.
      5. Add the salt.
      Tillsätt saltet.

      Är det klarare nu? 😉 <3

      1. Jennifer

        7 februari, 2018 at 11:33

        Jättebra, tack så mycket! ? Får nog testas till helgen!

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