Velvet Latte aka Beetroot latte | v + gf

 Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte - The Nordic Kitchen
Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte – The Nordic Kitchen

I’ve been obsessed with color lately. I’m drinking pink, yellow, green and blue lattes, eating pink hummus and smoothie bowls in all the colors of the rainbow. Nature provides us with so much color that there’s no need for artificial color agents. And not only does the food have pretty colors, it also has a billion health benefits. Pitaya/dragon fruit and beetroot powder are both rich in antioxidants and give the food an amazing pink color.

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and a lot of people use it to treat and cure joint pain. It gives the food a deep yellow color and adds a lot of taste to it as well. Blue and green algae like chlorella and spirulina are super rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and they are also great in detoxing and getting toxins out of our bodies. Plus, the colors are so vibrant and beautiful. Blue spirulina is my latest favorite.

Ok, I think you get my point. I’m obsessed with colorful food and especially lattes. So you better prepare yourself for quite a few latte blog posts the coming weeks. And Instagram posts for that matter ? Soon I’ll also share a blog post about our trip to Indonesia and Bali, so stay tuned for that. Speaking of Indonesia, I’ve never eaten so much amazing, healthy, colorful vegan food in my life. Charcoal burgers, green wraps, black pancakes (see this Instagram post), smoothies and juices in ALL the colors, salad bowls big enough for two (just kidding, no salad bowl is too big for me) and blue, pink, red and green lattes. Need I say that I have been in heaven the entire trip? I didn’t think so.

Especially pink lattes, aka velvet lattes, are huge in Bali. They’re made with beetroot powder (not pitaya powder as a lot of people think) and seasoned with vanilla and a little agave syrup. I also like to add a bit of ground cardamom to my lattes, but you can do as you like. I never thought of using beetroot powder like this before, but it’s so, so great. Like a sweet treat and a health boost at the same time.

 Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte - The Nordic Kitchen
Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte – The Nordic Kitchen
 Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte - The Nordic Kitchen
Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte – The Nordic Kitchen
 Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte - The Nordic Kitchen
Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte – The Nordic Kitchen

Velvet latte

serves one

2,5 dl | 250 ml plant milk (I use oat milk)
Pinch of ground vanilla
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
Maple syrup/agave syrup to taste
1 tsp beetroot powder


  1. In a small saucepan, heat up plant milk, vanilla, and cardamom.

  2. Remove from heat and att sweetener and beetroot powder.

  3. Whisk together until smooth and the beetroot powder has completely dissolved.

  4. Serve and enjoy!

 Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte - The Nordic Kitchen
Velvet Latte | Beetroot Latte – The Nordic Kitchen

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