No knead glutenfree bread

Hi darlings, how are you? It has been such a long time since I published a new post, two weeks to be exact. I’ve had so much to do lately, like developing and photographing recipes for a magazine (12 recipes in two weeks, phew!), shooting a couple of collaborations and all this while working half-time as brand manager for a vegan supplements company. Something had to give and unfortunately, it was the blog. I hope you’ve followed along on Instagram, where I try to post every day.
The good news is that I have SO many recipes in the pipeline, almost ready to be shared on the blog. I’ve shared photos of some of them on Instagram, like stuffed oven baked tomatoes, spaghetti with cauliflower sauce and pasta marinara. I also have a super simple recipe for pickled red onion, one for caramelized fennel (a new favorite of mine) and a beauty post + a gardening post coming up. As you can hear, there will be a lot of new posts here.

Today is all about bread though. If you’ve followed me for a while you probably know that I’m a sucker for bread. Like, I can eat bread for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every single day. Yeah, not kidding. When I found out I’m gluten intolerant all the glutenfree bread looked and tasted like brickstone. Since then, the glutenfree bread in the store has improved dramatically and now you can find some really good ones. As with everything, I, however, prefer to make my own. Then I know exactly what’s in it and I know that no artificial flavors or additives have been used. I can also make it organic all the way through, by using organic ingredients. And it’s not difficult to make your own bread, not at all. All you need is a little time and I also recommend that you get yourself a proofing basket – it’ll make it so much easier.
I’ve been baking this bread several times by now and it has really become a favorite. It takes about 15 minutes of active work, the rest is just rising times plus the time it takes to bake it. Next week I’ll try a new version of this bread, with flavors that remind me of Italy. I hope it’ll turn out as good as this one so that I can share that one on the blog as well. Anyway, are you ready to start baking?

No-knead glutenfree bread
1 big bread
25 g fresh yeast 800 ml lukewarm water 2 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil 4 dl sorghum flour + extra3 dl rice flour 1 3/4 dl potato starch1 dl buckwheat flour 3/4 dl psyllium husk1 tsp salt
- Crumble the yeast into a big baking bowl.
- Add the lukewarm water and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved.
- Add the olive oil.
- In a separate bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.
- Add the dry ingredients to the yeast water and mix together.
- Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes.
- Cover a proofing basket with a clean kitchen towel. Then cover the towel (the part of it that will be in contact with the bread) with sorghum flour.
- Carefully place the dough in the proofing basket (on the towel).
- Let the bread rise for at least 1,5 hours. The longer you let it rise, the better it’ll be. If you can, leave it overnight.
- Heat the oven to 225°C.
- Carefully move the bread from the basket to a parchment paper covered baking sheet (turn the basket upside down).
- Bake for about 1,5 hours in the lower part of the oven.
- Let cool completely before you cut the bread into slices.
If you want more glutenfree bread recipes, check these out:
Baguettes with vegan garlic butter
Seed Crackers
Now have a wonderful day, and talk to you soon.
18 juni, 2018 at 08:28
Bakade det här brödet igår. Tusen tack för detta receptet! Blev hur bra som helst. Jag har bakat mycket glutenfritt, särskilt med durra, men det här vad bland det bästa jag testat. Så luftigt för att vara glutenfritt! Sjönk inte ihop alls. Och fantastiskt gott! Personligen ska jag nog testa ha på lite flingsalt och rosmarin nästa gång. Mums!
18 juni, 2018 at 11:05
Åhh vad underbart att höra att du gillade det! <3 Jag tycker också att det är jättegott - och luftigt - och personligen tror jag nyckeln är den långa jästiden. Gillar även att brödet får en fin skorpa så det känns nästan som vanligt bröd :D Det låter som en fin kombo! Jag gjorde en ny variant förra veckan, med just rosmarin och så hade jag i massa oliver. Blev också supergott! :)Tack igen för de fina orden <3