Vegan Brownies á la My Kitchen Stories

 Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen

Hello friends! How have you been? Are you back at work/school yet? I have been working for more than two weeks now, yet it still feels kind of slow. Like everyone is in some sort of in-between mood (between vacation mode and work mode), and therefore everything moves in slow motion. I’m just like that myself. It’s like I’ve forgotten how to cook, style and photograph during my weeks off, which means that creating a recipe from start to finish takes a lot more time than it should  ?

I’ve tested a recipe twice this week and it was a success already at the first attempt, but since it was the first time I made it I didn’t photograph it. You know, being a perfectionist and all. Anyway, K loved it as well, so we decided to make it a second time this week. Guess what happened? I forgot to photograph it. I just placed the plates on the table and we started to eat. I mean, come on?  ?

 Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen
 Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen
 Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen

I did, however, manage to create one recipe, style and photograph it during this week. Yay! I promised that I should mix things up a bit so this is not a savory recipe, but a sweet one. I haven’t baked anything during the entire summer (due to the heat) and I’ve been missing it so much. But this recipe really made up for all the lost weeks. And it’s not even my own recipe. I used the sweetest Camilla’s recipe for vegan fudge brownies, you can find the original recipe here (in Swedish), and made a few changes to it. Camilla and I blog about totally different things, well we both have food blogs, but she has a baking blog and I…I have a mix of everything plant-based. Yet, she has one of the prettiest Instagram feeds I know and her creativity is insane. She comes up with the most amazing sweets so I highly recommend that you start following her if you don’t already do.

Now, let’s make some brownies. The recipe is not gluten-free, but you can just use a gluten-free flour mix to make it gf. The brownies are extremely soft and have the most delicious chocolate flavor. You’ll regret it if you don’t make them. Just saying. 

 Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen
Vegan Brownies | The Nordic Kitchen

Vegan Brownies

makes 12 brownies

3 dl all-purpose flour
1 1/2 dl sugar
3/4 dl cacao
0,5 tsp salt
2 dl plant-based cream (I used Oatly iKaffe)
75 g vegan butter or 1 dl non-flavored coconut oil
1/2 tsp organic ground vanilla
1-2 tbsp strong cold coffee


  1. Heat the oven to 175°C.

  2. Melt the vegan margarine/coconut oil.

  3. Add all the ingredients to a baking bowl and quickly stir together. Don’t stir more than you need to.

  4. Cover a baking pan with parchment paper, I used a 15 x 15 cm pan and it worked fine.

  5. Pour the brownie batter into the pan and bake in the middle of the oven for about 20 minutes.

  6. Let cool a while before cutting the cake into 12 squares.

  7. If you want, you can decorate the brownies with some melted chocolate before you serve them.

  8. Store in the fridge.

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