Carrot pancakes with lingonberries and coconut

Being 9+ months pregnant and getting closer and closer to due date, I feel like I’ve become more introvert than usual. I’m in my own bubble, focusing a lot on what’s to come – preparing, doing yoga, meditating and just relaxing. I’m also working hard to finish off a few things before the big day comes, like doing my accounting and sending away invoices. Simply making sure that all business related stuff are in order. My client work is done for now, and it feels great to not have any deadlines to worry about. 

With all this in mind, it’s probably not that surprising that I’m all in on simple recipes these days. I’m drinking a lot of smoothies and juices, like the one I shared on Instagram the other day. Starting my day with a 1 L green juice is amazing, it’s so good for digestion and it’s full of nutrients for me and the baby. 

Besides smoothies and juices, we’re eating a lot of Mexican food – nacho platters, different versions of tacos and wraps. Easy to make and crazy delicious. Our trip to Bali last year gave us so much inspiration for yummy plant-based food, and we use the food photos from the trip as inspiration for our meals almost every week. 

For lunch I’m all in on warm, simple dishes that keep me full for a long time. Pancakes of different sorts are a fave, and big oatmeal bowls with tons of toppings of course. The other day I saw that one of my favorite bloggers, Tuulia, had made carrot and zucchini pancakes and they looked so good I decided to make my own version. I made mine plant-based and I didn’t add any zucchini so there are a few changes to the original recipe. Tuulia served her pancakes with lingonberries and avocado and I decided to go for lingonberries and coconut flakes. Let me just say that this recipe is ?

Carrot pancakes with lingonberries and coconut | v

makes about 10-12 pancakes 

2 carrots 
1,5 dl | 150 ml flour of your choice 
2 tbsp plant protein (optional)
2 dl | 200 ml plant milk
Pinch of vanilla 

oil for frying 

To serve

Coconut flakes 


  1. Peel the carrots and grate them. 

  2. Add the grated carrots and plant milk to a blender and mix until smooth. 

  3. Transfer the carrot batter to a baking bowl and add flour, plant protein (optional) and vanilla. Whisk together until smooth. 

  4. Heat up a frying pan and add a little oil to the pan. 

  5. Add a little of the batter to the pan (50-100 ml) and fry on medium heat for a couple of minutes before flipping the pancake around. Fry for another couple of minutes. 

  6. Repeat with the remaining batter.

  7. Serve with lingonberries and coconut flakes and enjoy! 

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