A rainy day with cinnamon buns and coffee

We’ve had a few days with cooler weather and quite a lot of rain. For an autumn lover like myself, this was much appreciated. When you can walk around in a knitted sweater all day, drink one too many cups of coffee, and do everything and nothing. I love those days. 

I’ve been cleaning out our kitchen and my wardrobe, selling stuff we don’t use anymore. It feels great! Besides that I’ve been planning lots of new content for the blog and Instagram. I love those content planning days, when you have an excuse for spending hours on Pinterest, printing photos, finding inspiration and just be creative. The best part is however to actually create the recipes/photos, but I love the brainstorming process a lot too. 

One thing I’ve been planning on doing for a while now is to bake cinnamon buns. So, on a rainy day I decided to do just that. Baking is one of my favorite things to do and cinnamon buns must be the best thing to bake. I’ve already shared the recipe on the blog (here!), but I simply can’t bake buns without taking pictures of them, and I even ended up replacing the photos from the old blog post with these new ones. Hehe. We also made the most delicious plant-based pizzas so I’m sharing a couple of photos of them too.

On another note, the roses are blooming right now and it’s SO beautiful. I spent like an hour taking a billion photos of these wonderful flowers, and now I think I’m gonna put a couple of the photos on our bedroom wall. It’ll be almost like waking up next to a rose bush, right? I love digital photography, but I also love getting photo copies of my favorite pictures. I’m one of those who still has photo albums – I just prefer to look at photos that way. So, printing a few of my favorite photos is on my to do-list this summer. 

I’m not sharing any recipe today, just a bunch of photos, and I hope you’ll like that too. And like I said, the recipe for the vegan cinnamon buns can be found here


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