Nordic summer

Hello friends, long time no see, huh? I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer. Are you back at work/school yet? We are still on vacation over here, but it’s coming to an end. Well, for K, I’ll be home with baby Adam for another few months 🙂 

We’ve been away from home almost the entire vacation – the countryside, visiting friends and family in different parts of Sweden and then back to the countryside again. Pretty much avoiding Stockholm as much as possible. Now we’re back home and I must say it feels great to be back. Spending the last days of the vacay at home was a good idea indeed, we’ve watched Chernobyl for the second time, read books, I’ve edited a lot of photos and also worked a couple of hours. However, most of the time is spent playing with Adam. 

Speaking of Adam, SO much has happened during this last month. He’s crawling now (backwards at least), he has got two teeth (and looks a bit like a walrus), he’s sitting on his own and we’ve noticed a couple of interests already. Twice we’ve visited people with aquariums and he’s obsessed with the fishes, to say the least. Especially the clown fishes. We have also tried showing him a video of a coral reef with lots of fishes, turtles, dolphins and sharks swimming. It’s so funny, every time a clown fish is appearing, he becomes completely quiet and doesn’t move an inch – just watching the fishes. Then, when another fish, a turtle, a shark or whatever appears on the screen he screams and becomes super angry. When the clown fishes are back, he’s quiet again. Isn’t that funny? I think we have to get an aquarium ourselves soon. 

Another thing he’s obsessed with is water. We’ve spent so many hours watching the lake and the ocean this summer and he’s so fascinated by it. We’ve been out at 5 in the morning to photograph and he’s just been sitting in his stroller watching the lake while I’ve been photographing the morning fog. Moments I’ll remember forever. 

I’ve been photographing quite a lot these weeks. Not that much food, but rather nature and just precious moments. I’m so thankful for these five weeks with my little family <3 Now there will be a bunch of photos if you want to see what our last weeks have looked like. I’ll probably share more later on, but let’s start with these. 


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