Christmas wreath

Every year, I make some sort of Christmas wreath. Creating is like meditation to me, and I can get lost in the process for hours. Well, maybe not now when I have a kid calling for attention, but usually. Creating with flowers and plants is something special. I can’t really describe what it is, but it’s the same feeling I get when I paint. It’s calming and fulfilling and I become happy. It almost makes me feel as good as I do when I photograph. 

I learned how to properly make a wreath at an event with SteviaSweet last year. I was the host and Skillad Floral came and showed us how to create beautiful wreaths. So much fun! This year I wanted a simple Christmas wreath, with only spruce twigs and a beautiful ribbon in my favorite color right now – this pink-ish color that you can see in all my photos at the moment, hehe. Here are some photos of the wreath making process, I hope you’ll enjoy it and perhaps find some inspiration to make your own. 


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