Setting the Christmas table

Decorating for Christmas is one of the best things I know. I always use a lot of natural materials, like pine cones, stones, cinnamon sticks, ribbons made from natural fabrics and flowers – you get what I mean. I’ve made paper stars, a gingerbread cookie garland, wreaths and we’ve decorated our Christmas tree. We have Christmas flowers everywhere and of course a lot of candles. 

Decorating the table is of course also a lot of fun if you ask me. This year I wanted to make something to put above the table so I took a dead branch I found outside and covered it with green leaves of different kinds. Simple as that. Then I added a few decorations to it and that was that. I don’t know what you think, but I’m quite happy with the result. So I thought I’d share a few photos of it all, maybe you can find some inspiration too. 


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