Garden season 2020 – planning + seed list

It’s March, which means it’s time to start the gardening season if you haven’t already. It’s time to start planning, order seeds and bulbs and it’s also time to start pre-cultivating some of the seeds I will grow this year. Since you guys seem to be very interested in gardening, I decided to make a series of gardening posts this year.
This year we are amping up our gardening game, and we have big plans! We’ve decided to set up a vegetable garden where we plan on growing a few different vegetables, berries and herbs. Since this is our first year doing this, we’ll try not to have too high expectations. We’ll see this as an opportunity to learn and if we can harvest some fruits and veggies this summer it’s good enough. Still, we have fingers crossed that we can get enough so that we can save some of it for the winter months. If we succeed this year, we can increase our kitchen garden next year.

Digging up a plot for the kitchen garden will be one of the first things we do this season. It’s a little too early to start just yet, so right now we are mostly preparing and waiting. Half our kitchen is filled with tiny pots with seeds waiting to see the light.
This is the first gardening post this year and I will focus on the preparations, or rather what we are growing. Then I’ll let you follow along during the season and see how things turn out. I think this will be lots of fun, don’t you agree?

What we are growing (pre-cultivation/direct sowing)
Peppers, California Wonder (pre-cultivated)
Beans, Slenderette (will be pre-cultivated in April)
Sweet Peas, Carouby De Maussane (will be pre-cultivated in April)
Carrots, Cosmic Purple (direct sowing later on)
Carrots, Solar Yellow (direct sowing later on)
Carrots, Lunar White (direct sowing later on)
Carrots, Atomic Red (direct sowing later on)
Carrots, Berlicum (direct sowing later on)
Squash, Black beauty (pre-cultivated)
Cucumber, F1 Sherpa (pre-cultivated)
Lettuce, Warpath (direct sowing later on)
Spinach, Giant winter (direct sowing later on)
Oregano, Italian Origanum Vulgare (pre-cultivated)
Dill, Mammoth Anehum Graveolnes (pre-cultivated)
Parsley, Triple Moss Curled 2 (pre-cultivated)
Basil, Genovese (pre-cultivated)

Besides vegetables, we (well, I) are also growing a whole bunch of flowers. There will be poppies and dahlias and lots more. You’ll see more of that later on, I promise.
Most of the vegetables and herbs have already been sowed and some of them have started to grow as well. Now we will take care of them and when it’s warmer outside and the veggie garden is all set, we can plant them outdoors. The seeds we are using are adapted to the Nordic climate, hence the plants will better tolerate cold weather.
I think this will be it for now, let’s wait and see what happens the coming weeks. I hope that you’ll enjoy these posts and perhaps you’ll grow something yourself this year? It’s a perfect activity for these quarantine days!