Signs of spring

Spring flowers

May is one of my favorite months. It’s something about all the flowers that makes my heart jump. It’s so much beauty I have trouble taking it all in. I’ve said before that it’s almost a bit stressful, because I want to experience it and enjoy it so much, and it only lasts for a couple of weeks. I’m running around with my camera like a maniac and sometimes I have to remind myself that I can’t take photos of every single flower. I’m trying to become better at experiencing things with my eyes, not through my camera. I photograph so much that I sometimes forget to look at things as they are. Sometimes I look at a photo and I realize that I only experienced that moment through the camera and that is sort of depressing.  But, I’m trying to improve and that’s the most important thing. 

Anyway. I think spring season is a good way of practicing this. It’s impossible to take photos of every tree and flower, so sometimes it’s just better to leave the camera at home and go out and enjoy nature as it is. How does it smell, how does it look, how does it feel? To just stop and experience everything right there, in that moment. 

The times when I’ve had my camera with me have resulted in a whole bunch of spring photos. So I thought, why not share my favorite ones with you guys? I hope you’ll enjoy them! 


Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Spring flowers

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