A slow start to the new year

It always feels a bit weird when you start working after a long vacation. It’s like you’re learning a new skill, where everything feels new and you’re not really sure how things are supposed to be.
We decided to take a long vacation over the holidays and to do absolutely nothing. We’ve been home the entire time and both me and K agree that this might have been the best vacation we’ve ever had. Most of the time has been spent on the floor in Adam’s room playing, talking, reading. He has the most amazing imagination and he says the funniest things. It has been amazing and we’ve had so much fun together.
Other than that we’ve visited the library a couple of times, met some family and of course been outdoors a lot. The evenings were often spent with a book and a cup of tea and I finished two books during our time off. I spent almost no time online and it was lovely to take a break from it all. I normally don’t spend much time on social media, but I feel I want to spend even less time online in 2022.

Speaking of the new year – I’m not a fan of new years resolutions, but I like to write down goals and visions of what I want to do, not do, change or develop in the new year. Not too many, just a couple of things. I’ve been thinking about this from time to time during my time off and it has become much clearer what I want to focus on during this year.
I’ve taken the first couple of work days to concretize these visions and goals. I’m not making any big changes to The Nordic Kitchen, just broadening things a little. I know many of you are interested in slow and simple living, gardening and preserving so I want to include more of these lifestyle related topics.

I’m looking forward to a new year with you guys, and I can’t wait to see what this year will bring. The most amazing and exciting thing that will happen for us is of course the arrival of our new family member. I still can’t believe that I soon will be a mother of two <3
I hope you’ve all had a great start to 2022 and that you too are excited for the new year. Let’s make it a lovely one!

Comments ( 2 )
6 april, 2022 at 08:02
I always feel like I’m not quite sure I still know how to work my camera after a long break 😀 And every spring I feel like I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to make all my seeds sprout 🙂
Beautiful images, so envious of all your snow. It’s been another basically snow-less winter down here 🙁 But spring will lift my spirits as usual I’m sure.
Excited to follow you and your work for another new year 🙂
hugs from Aeroe island,
12 april, 2022 at 09:42
I know the feeling. And I always lack inspiration from Christmas to mid March or so. It’s like I don’t know how to create anymore. But like you, the feeling of spring arriving always lifts my spirit 🙂
We didn’t have much snow this winter either, it was basically just one time when we got lots and since then it has been mostly rain.
I look forward to follow you too! I miss your posts on Instagram, but I totally understand your decision to leave. And there are other ways to see what you are up to 🙂 Wish I can come and visit Aeroe sometime too, it looks so beautiful! Lots of hugs from Sweden <3