A simple 2-in-1 bread


The feeling of knowing that there’s enough bread at home to feed us for days is something else. Just combining yeast, water, salt and flour and watch how it slowly turns into a loaf of the most delicious bread you can imagine. And it requires almost no work, just a little time. 

I love the process of making bread. I love that there’s no way to rush things. Bread needs time to become bread and it’s just something about that that I love. The smell that feels the kitchen when you bake it, and then slowly travels around the house until the entire home smells like a bakery. 

And then, a couple of slices of newly baked bread together with some tea. The bread, still warm, and the heat from the oven warming up the kitchen. Knowing that I made the bread myself with nothing but flour, yeast, salt and water, makes the bread taste even better. 


Nowadays I always make at least two loaves of bread when I bake. One we keep to eat for the coming days and one is put in the freezer. It takes almost no extra time to make two instead of one and by doing so, we don’t need to bake more than once a week. 

We often make the same bread over and over again, but this week I decided to try something new. With this recipe, you won’t have to double the amounts to make two loaves of bread. Instead, you make one dough and then divide it in two before baking it. It’s very simple and it turned out very good. If you aren’t baking your own bread yet, I highly recommend that you try it. It’s so much more delicious and you don’t have to think about additives or long ingredients lists. Now, let’s start baking, shall we!? 



2-in-1 bread

2 loaves 

25 g fresh yeast
5 dl | 500 ml water
1/2 tsp salt
2 1/2 dl | g whole grain spelt flour
7 dl | g spelt flour
2 1/2 dl | g all-purpose flour 


  1. Crumble the yeast into a large baking bowl. 
  2. Heat the water until about 37°C. Add it to the baking bowl and stir until the yeast is dissolved. Add salt.  
  3. Add all the flour, starting with the whole grain flour. 
  4. Work together until somewhat smooth and a little sticky.* 
  5. Cover with a clean kitchen towel, and let rise for 45 minutes.
  6. Transfer the dough to a floured surface and divide into two equally sized pieces. Shape each piece into a bread loaf and place on a baking sheet (covered with baking parchment). 
  7. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise for another 30 minutes. 
  8. Heat the oven to 200°C. 
  9. Bake in the middle of the oven for 25-30 minutes.
  10. Increase the temperature to 250°C and bake for another 5 minutes to get a golden and crispy surface. 

*Please note that depending on what kind of flour you use, you might need to tweak the amounts a little. If the dough seems to be too sticky, add a little extra flour until it’s easy to work with. 

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