A year of hiking adventures


Before we had kids we went on a few hiking trips and loved it. We went on a 5 day long hike in the Norwegian wilderness, on shorter hiking trips in Sweden and one in Lofoten, Norway. One of the best things about moving away from Stockholm is that we have better access to different hiking routes. However, we didn’t go on any trips for the first two years because we thought we couldn’t bring a kid. Then we got our second kid and then it was completely impossible to go on a hike. Until we started thinking about it. How hard could it be? 


We decided to try. We started with a shorter trip, just a few hours. We brought diapers, extra clothes, hot chocolate, sandwiches, raisins (for any low-blood-sugar-outbursts) and a bunch of other things that we thought could be of good use. And off we went. Adam is almost 4 years old so he obviously walked by himself and he can manage on his own. William is 7 months so we carried him in our ErgoBaby carrier. 

We started out with a simple hike but Adam loved it so much so he wanted to continue. The first hike ever for both kids ended up with 6 km, parts of it in quite tough terrain (for a kid at least). And William slept through most of it 😀 The first hike was a success, for sure. We ended up hiking every day on our Christmas vacation and we’ve continued on the weekends after that. We love it, the kids love it and as long as we bring hot chocolate and food we can stay outdoors for hours. 


It’s interesting how you can think of something as impossible and super complicated and when you try it you realize it was not complicated at all. You just have to try, and really, what’s the worst thing that can happen? 🙂 Lets see where our hiking adventures will take us this year! 



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