This post contains adlinks for Bagaren och Kocken The photo of this gingerbread bundt cake I shared on Instagram a few days ago has been…
Christmas wreaths
We don’t decorate our home much for Christmas. We basically put up some stars (lamps) in the windows and a Christmas tree in the living…
Saffron buns with vanilla custard
Last week me and Adam, who was home from preschool with what we think was chickenpox, decided to brighten up a grey day by baking…
Baking Saffron Buns
Saffron buns. The older I get, the more I love these S-shaped buns. I used to think that they were dry, boring and just not…
Over night bread rolls with walnuts
Hands up if you love freshly baked bread in the morning! I sure do. There’s not much that beats the smell of bread if you…
Cinnamon bun cake with vanilla custard & the release of The Nordic Baker
Today is the day. The day that his been on my mind for more than a year now. Today my cookbook The Nordic Baker is…